सबैको प्रयोजनकोलागि nepcal.com ले निम्न उपकरणहरु नि:शुल्क उपलब्ध गराएको छ | यिनीहरुलाई आफ्नो पेजमा कुनै संकोच नमानी राख्नु होला | यिनीहरुमा कुनै बिज्ञापन छैनन् र भबिस्यमा पनि यस्तै रहने छन् | सबै उपकरणहरु AJAX टेक्नोलोगी प्रयोग गरेर बनाइएको हुनाले पेज रि-लोड नगरी काम गर्छन | एक पटक चलाई हेर्नु होला , तपाईंलाई अवस्य मन पर्नेछ |
Nepali Calendar has made following calendar tools available for everyone's use. As they are all AJAX based, they run without requiring page refresh. It is very easy to embed them in your website and they do not contain any advertisements. You will definitely like them. Try them below :
Nepali Calendar has made following calendar tools available for everyone's use. As they are all AJAX based, they run without requiring page refresh. It is very easy to embed them in your website and they do not contain any advertisements. You will definitely like them. Try them below :
१. नेपाली घडी / Nepali Clock
ठाडो / Vertical
आफ्नो पेजमा ठाडो नेपाली घडी राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this vertical Nepali clock in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
आफ्नो पेजमा ठाडो नेपाली घडी राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this vertical Nepali clock in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
तेर्सो / Horizontal
आफ्नो पेजमा तेर्सो नेपाली घडी राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this horizontal Nepali Clock in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
आफ्नो पेजमा तेर्सो नेपाली घडी राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this horizontal Nepali Clock in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
ठाडो / Vertical
आफ्नो पेजमा ठाडो नेपाली घडी राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this vertical Nepali clock in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
आफ्नो पेजमा ठाडो नेपाली घडी राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this vertical Nepali clock in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
तेर्सो / Horizontal
आफ्नो पेजमा तेर्सो नेपाली घडी राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this horizontal Nepali Clock in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
आफ्नो पेजमा तेर्सो नेपाली घडी राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this horizontal Nepali Clock in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
२. नेपाली मिति रुपान्तरण यंत्र / Nepali Date Converter
आफ्नो पेजमा AJAX मा आधारित मिति रुपान्तरण गर्ने यन्त्र राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this AJAX based Date Converter in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
To embed this AJAX based Date Converter in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
३. नेपाली क्यालेन्डर - सानो / Nepali Calendar Small Size
सानो - १
आफ्नो पेजमा AJAX मा आधारित क्यालेन्डर राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this AJAX based small Nepali Calendar in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
आफ्नो पेजमा AJAX मा आधारित क्यालेन्डर राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this AJAX based small Nepali Calendar in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
सानो - २
आफ्नो पेजमा AJAX मा आधारित क्यालेन्डर राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this AJAX based small Nepali Calendar in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
आफ्नो पेजमा AJAX मा आधारित क्यालेन्डर राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला |
To embed this AJAX based small Nepali Calendar in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.

कुनै पनि दिनमा क्लिक गरेर सो दिनको बारे बिस्तृतमा जान्न सकिन्छ भने "दिनहरु" बटन मा क्लिक गरेर उक्त महिनाका महत्वपूर्ण दिनहरुको बारे जान्न सकिन्छ |
You can see more details about a day by clicking on it and you can see the list of important days of the month by clicking on the "दिनहरु" button located at the middle top.
You can see more details about a day by clicking on it and you can see the list of important days of the month by clicking on the "दिनहरु" button located at the middle top.
४. नेपाली क्यालेन्डर - ठूलो / Nepali Calendar Full Size
आफ्नो पेजमा AJAX मा आधारित क्यालेन्डर राख्नकोलागि तलको code लाई कपि गरेर HTML मा पेस्ट गर्नुहोला|
To embed this AJAX based Nepali Calendar in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.
To embed this AJAX based Nepali Calendar in your website, copy the code below and paste it in the HTML code of your website.